The human being...


Blog #12


The human being…

Evolution and Civilization



                             The Human, or the Homo sapiens (Scientific name), is a creature from the mammalian class of the Phylum Chordate along with apes and gorilla. It is assumed that about 2.5 million years ago the human’s predecessors were evolved from the species of ape, like chimpanzee or gorilla, scientifically known as Homo sapiens. Thus it is meant that we were monkeys and gradually evolved as a modern human or a complete man i.e. the one who could walk upright straight or on two feet, has two hands and a matured brain, which could plan and accordingly execute on it. The human history has been divided into several ages, such as the Stone Age, Copper Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and now silicon age. The evolution of the human has been started since the Stone Age with gradual small and minor changes. Human have attained a lot of changes which have resulted in a complete and modern man which is called Evolution in scientific term. During the Bronze Age, human was developed enough to establish their own living style and way of life. presently in the Iron Age, the human is so technologically advanced that they can plan their actions and ideas well in advance and execute over it different slots of time. We are also among a few species in this planet who live in society and have a history of gradual development of civilization. However, this development in the history of human’s evolution has countered several stages of improvement and a long period of time then gradually the modern level of lifestyle has been achieved and even this is not the end but we are still evolving and trying to become super human. This is way the nature works not only with the human being but with other species as well.



Evolution of Human

                             The evolution of human was a lengthy and a complex process of gradual changes due to which people originated from their ape like ancestors. The scientific evidences show that the physical and mental behavioral traits shared by all people originated from their ape like ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years. The development of one of the main human trait- the ability to walk on two legs, also known as bipedalism became one of the earliest known trait of the early human beings, defines the evolvement of human from the apelike ancestors about four million years ago. The other important human trait is a large and complex brain, which could plan a mission or an idea as well as execute over it. Many of the traits of the modern human being developed around one million years ago. The forerunner of the modern human being evolved during the Paleolithic Age, around 2.5 million years ago. According to the African origin of the modern human theory, the modern human-beings evolved in the African continent, probably from the Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rhodesiensis or the Homo antecessor and migrated out of the continent about some 50,000 to 1,00,000 years ago, time to time replacing the local populations of Homo erectus, Denisova hominis, Homo floresiensis, Homo luzonensis and Homo neanderthalensis.



The human evolution history has been divided as:

1.    Stone Age

                 The Stone Age was the prehistoric cultural period in the human history when the level of human development was characterized by the rapid use of stone for making armory and tools. The people were using stones to make their entire required tools, when their livelihood was mainly dependent on hunting. This period started some 3.3 million years ago. Nevertheless, some simple metal works were also practiced, mainly of gold and copper for the use of ornamentation. But the end of this era is marked when the melting and smelting of copper became widespread across the civilizations on different parts of the globe.

                 On the basis of sophisticated use of stone, the Stone Age is divided into three categories:

a.     Paleolithic Age


Time period: 2.5 million years to 1 million years ago

                 The Paleolithic era or the Old Stone Age was the time in the human prehistory where the initial developments of the small and basic tools, which in brief describes the entire human’s prehistorical development and technology. It extends from the earliest known time when the stone tools were used till the end of Pleistocene. The Paleolithic era is one of the most important eras as the use of tools made of stones was at its peak development. The Paleolithic age in Europe preceded the Mesolithic age, as the date of a period varies geographically at different and various types of regions, by several years’ variations are shown when a new age started.     

                 The Paleolithic age is characterized by the use of stones extensively; notwithstanding, other materials such as stones, beads and new ornamental stones were also in use. The discovery of fire from this era was one of the earliest and most important discoveries ever. The people of the Paleolithic age started using the fire for purposes such as cooking foods and scaring animals. Perhaps this was the most important discovery in the history of human being which provided the human an unbeatable edge over the other species and it could have changed their lifestyle forever.


b.     Mesolithic Age


Time period: from 1 million years till 0.8 million years ago

                 The Mesolithic or the middle Bronze Age was the period of the old world archaeological period, between the upper Paleolithic age and the lower Neolithic age. This was the time period during which the Archaic Homo sapiens evolved. The discovery of the wheel was a technological discovery during this era. This was a period of shorter time when compared with that of the Paleolithic Era. This time period is considered as a significant time period for the discovery in the field of Science, due to the discovery of the wheel. This period approached 1.8 million years ago. It lasted till 0.8 million years ago as per the scientific assumption. It lasted only for 0.5 to 0.6 million years ago, when the humans started to discover metals such as gold and copper, and made ornaments with these. The people melted and casted these metals into jewelry such as the necklaces, bracelets, headgears, etc. the end of the Mesolithic age is marked when metals became more popular among the people.


c.      Neolithic Age


Time period: from 0.8 million years till the beginning of metal age

                 The Neolithic age is a very short time period when people started doing experiments on metals. The Neolithic or the new Stone Age was the final stage of the three divisions of the Stone Age. The period saw the Neolithic Revolution, a wide development in the field of construction of structures. People started to learn about construction of huts from straws and woods. After this the Bronze Age started.


2.     Bronze Age

                 The bronze was the alloy of copper and tin/zinc, which was stronger than copper itself. In the western Asia, the culture of making bronze became widespread around 3000 BC. The Bronze Age is the historical period lasting from 3300 BC to 1200 BC. The age is characterized by the frequent use of bronze which replaced the use of copper and stone. The bronze being stronger than copper, came into use of making tools for practices such as agriculture, hunting as well as construction. This age was a new revolution in the journey of mankind, where the people converted their livelihood to become farmers from hunters.



3.     Iron Age

                 The Iron Age is the final epoch of the three metallic ages, after the copper and the bronze ages. The discovery of iron led to the Iron Age, which is one of the most important discoveries ever. This age started approximately 500 BC and is continuing presently. In this age, mankind attained its maximum height of development till now. The men made heavy machineries, ships, buildings, which made development possible. Even today, the present age we live is the Iron Age.



4.     Silicon Age

                 For last 30-40 years we have been witnessing the transformation of the civilization from Iron age to the silicon age. This age is highly technical, based on a magical metal, a semiconductor, called silicon.  The age of silicon started a few decades ago with invention of diode and triode (transistor). This invention improved at the most rapid speed in the history of human being, as it covered a journey from the two-way and three-way circuit system i.e. diode and triode respectively, the multi-level circuit systems on a single chip called Integrated Circuit or IC, Large Scale Integrated Circuit i.e. LSI, Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit i.e. VLSI and Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuit i.e. ULSI as a highly technical sophisticated and powerful microchip came into existence as a gradual development in a very short period of time. Today every gadget which we are mostly dependent on are operated by the use of this silicon or semiconductor microchips. In today’s life we cannot even imagine to live without this technology. Our food processing units, water and electricity supply channels, communication, business, economy, education, industry and everything we can think in our life are controlled and operated by semiconductor. Therefore, it would not be exaggeration to say that we have entered into the silicon age.


The Human Civilizations

 Mesopotamian Civilization


                 According to the available data and research till date, the Mesopotamian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. It is a historical region in the Western Asia, situated between the Tigris and Euphrates river system, north to the Fertile Crescent. The present day; Mesopotamia is majorly in the country of Iraq. However, some minor parts of the civilizations also lies in countries such as Syria, Jordan, Kuwait and turkey. The rivers of Tigris and Euphrates, on whose fertile basins of the river banks this civilization was flourishing, were fed up with numerous tributaries. The earliest language spoken in the Mesopotamian civilization is the Sumerian Language. However, the list of other languages also included Subartuan, a language of the Zagros was possibly related to the Hurro-Urartuan language. Other languages spoken during the empires of different dynasty, such as the languages of the Acadian empire and the Assyrian empire. During this time period, Sumerian language was also in the use by the people in some official purposes such as administrative purposes, literary purposes and religious purposes as well as scientific purposes. The language of Acadian was spoken in different times in different places, until the neo-Babylonian period (or the second phase of the Babylonian empire, approximately between 626 BC-539 BC). The science field of Mesopotamia was developed and was based on the sexagesimal (also known as base 60, is a numeral system with sixty as its base, which originated with the Sumerians of the ancient times, approximately in the third millennium BC, and was passed down to the ancient Babylonians and is still in use as a modified form; for measuring as angles, time and geographic or mathematical coordinates). Numeral system with 60 seconds of a minute, the 60 minutes of an hour, the 24 hours of a day, the 360 degrees of a circle are the result of the sexagesimal numeral system. The calendar of the Mesopotamia, known as the Sumerian calendar was lunisolar with a lunar month of three weeks, each having seven days. In the field of Mathematics; the Mesopotamians had theorems on certain shapes to find its area as well as its perimeter. The Babylonians found the circumference of the circle by adding the diameter three times; and also the area as the one twelfth of the square of the circumference. The value of pi was taken 25/8 instead of 22/7 (or 3.125 instead of 3.141……). The Babylonians are also recognized by the Babylonian mile, which is seven times the length of one modern mile (approximately 11 modern miles).


The Indus Valley Civilization


                 The Indus Valley Civilization or the Harappan civilization flourished during the Bronze Age approximately around 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE (as per the books and magazines, however according to the new researches, it has been found that this civilization has flourished during approximately more than 8000 BCE, research work is further going on). This civilization was very well developed, located on the north western part of the Indian subcontinent, on the fertile basins near the banks of the river Indus as well as its supportive tributaries (river Indus is the basis on which the civilization is named). The civilization was laid in present day Sindh and Baluchistan in Pakistan and Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi in India. The Indus valley civilization is the largest known ancient civilization in the world, which tends to have urban planned cities and towns. When combined, the whole civilization is twelve times larger than that of Mesopotamian civilization as well as Ancient Egyptian civilization in terms of area. Sir John Marshall, who was the then Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India, led his team to discover the Indus valley civilization. Dayaram Sahni, an Indian Officer in the Archaeological Survey of India, dug out and discovered the ruins of Harappa in the year 1921. The Indus valley civilization is often referred to as the Harappan civilization; since Harappa was the first site to be excavated so the Indus valley civilization came to be known as the Harappan civilization. Following the year; in 1922, Rakhaldas Banerjee, a team member in the Archaeological Survey of India, was informed by a Buddhist monk that there was a mound which needed to be excavated, because he believed that there was a Buddhist stupa engraved inside. Accordingly, as he was informed, a team of archaeologists was sent to the informed destination to dig the place. While the work was on operation, Rakhaldas Banerjee came across many unusual objects found in the ruins of the place while digging. This was how Mohenjodaro, meaning ‘mound of the dead’ was discovered. Till the present sources, the civilization extended from east to west from Suktagendor in Baluchistan and Alamgirpur in Uttar Pradesh respectively. From north to south, it extends from Manda in Jammu and Kashmir and Bhagatrav in Gujarat respectively. The important centers of the civilization were Banawali, Kalibangan, Lothal, Rupar, Alamgirpur, Manda, Chanhudaro, Rangpur and Dholavira. The Indus valley civilization’s most important feature is its town planning. All of the towns in the civilization were divided into two parts: the Citadel and the lower city. The Citadel is supposed to be the place where the then aristocrats used to live. The other common people lived in the lower city. The citadel also had prominent buildings such as granary, great bath and the assembly hall. The major cities, Harappa and Mohenjodaro were located on the river banks. The streets were laid out in accordance with a grid system. This makes the Indus valley civilization the most outstanding one.


Ancient Egyptian Civilization


                 The Ancient Egyptian Civilization is known as the gift of the river Nile. The civilization which flourished in the ancient northeastern Africa came to be known as the Ancient Egyptian civilization. The river starts from the mountains in Ethiopia to the Mediterranean Sea.  It was mostly resolute on the banks of the river Nile. The place where the civilization was flourishing is presently known as Egypt. The civilization started nearly 3100 BC. The history of Egypt has been unfolded and it seems to be a series of stable kingdoms, such as the old kingdom in the early Bronze Age, middle kingdom in the middle bronze age and the new kingdom in the later Bronze Age. Since its beginning, this civilization has been dependent on the river Nile, as it presented itself as a lifeline for the civilization. The fertile plains of this civilization have provided many opportunities for the people to develop, on a basic practice of occupations such as agriculture. This was also a highly developed and efficient civilization, which gave us some knowledge about Mathematics and medicine. The construction of Pyramids has been a mystery till now. It is still a subject to be discovered that how the huge stones were carried out to build these huge pyramids. The flora and fauna (plants and animals) were supported on the region near the banks of river Nile. This was also the period when the people firstly started to tame as well as domesticate the animals for the basic purposes such as food (meat as well as milk from the cattle) and safety. By the time of 5500 BCE, the small tribal people developed themselves in such a way that they can now do occupational practices such as agriculture (crop production), horticulture (fruit production) as well as pisciculture (fish production).


The Mayan civilization


The Mayan Civilization was present in the Central America, in the present day Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, Nicaragua, etc. The civilization had started from 1800 BC. But the civilization is actually mentioned from 500 BC to 1000 BC. The period till the Mayan Civilization was present is known as the Mesoamerican Classical period. The people of this civilization are known as the Pre-classical Mayan people. The civilization is known for its temples and the Mayan scripts. These scripts were a sophisticated one; however, it was very highly developed for the field of writing system in the Pre Colombian America. The civilization had good road connectivity, art and Mathematics, which were very developed. The civilization had been looked as a rich place for the development of Science, Astronomy, Mathematics, Art, and Architecture. This civilization has also been renowned as a place with its calendar as well as its religion. The religion followed here id the Mayan religion. The region is still known as the Mayan region in the Mesoamerica. The Mayan cities which were developed during the initial stages were developing in the period around 750 BCE; and after a quarter century, i.e. 500 BCE, these cities flourished up and possessed many architectural monuments which mainly included large numbers of temples. When the occupational scopes of the people increased, they started practicing agriculture; and therefore the main source of income for this civilization was agriculture itself, cultivating mainly maize. During The 9th century, the politics of the Mayan Civilization collapsed and it led to the internal civil wars, where people even had to migrate to the northern part of the civilization, from the central as well as the southern parts of it.  In the 16th century, Spanish empire rose to its peak and the invaders invaded America and colonized over the Mesoamerica. The Mayans saw the fall of Nojpeten, the last Mayan city, and this how the Mayan civilization came to an end.



                 The evolution of human life, either biological or social, has been a very lengthy and complex process, which took thousands of years to develop the modern human being from their ape like ancestors. Meanwhile during the process, the human beings underwent many changes and before the human beings were completely developed, they had discovered many things, such as the fire and the wheel. After they evolved and developed completely, they started living in a group and developed their new way of living with many new ideas such as the scripts, their houses and businesses. This system overall, was known as civilizations. The civilizations grew very large and also had trade links between them.


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Sources of Data:


Google and other websites

Static Times websites

World Bank websites

Britannica Scholar

Other course materials




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