
Showing posts from June, 2024

Empires of India II

  Blog#17 The Sangam Age     Abstracts:             The Sangam age is considered to be the beginning of historic period in the South India, because the period before it is said to be Mesolithic period, which is a prehistoric duration. ‘South India’ is the name that has been given to the area south to the river Krishna and its tributary, river Tungabhadra, in India. The Sangam age is considered to be the period of time from third century BCE to third century AD.     Introduction:             The word ‘ Sangam ’ has been used to give name to the period due to the assemblies held there. The word ‘ sangam ’ in Tamil stands for the Sanskrit term ‘sangha ’ meaning a group of people or an association. There gatherings of poets held under the patronage of Pandya Kings of Madurai. Many important poets of south India assembled in this sangam ...

Empires of India I

  Blog#16       Magadha Empire     Abstracts:                  The Magadha Empire is an era in the history of the Indian Subcontinent when several Magadha based Dynasties rose up and built its great dominance in the region. Since the previous authentic history is not available the Magadha Empire is supposed to be first of all established by Bimbisara, who found the Haryanka Dynasty in 544 BCE which was the first dynasty to rule the Magadha Empire.   The Magadha Empire lasted till 1230 CE during this period at least ten dynasties ruled this Empire. Some important dynasties are Brihadratha Dynasty 1700-682 BCE, the Pradyot Dynasty 682-544 BCE, the Haryanka dynasty 544-413 BCE, the Shishunaga dynasty 413-345 BCE, the Nanda dynasty 345-322 BCE, the Mauryan dynasty 322-184 BCE, the Shung dynasty 184-73 BCE and Kanva dynasty 73-28 BCE.     Int...