
Showing posts from March, 2024

We in the U N I V E R S E

Blog #11      The Solar Family   Abstracts: Milky Way, a part of Galaxy, consists of millions of stars including our Sun. Most of the stars have their family, but some do not have. Our Sun has its family known as the Solar System , which comprises of many major, and minor planets, their satellites, dwarf planets, comets, asteroids and meteoroids. These all work in a systematic order. Its formation has taken a long series of very complex processes. In every moment, many stars are created as well as destroyed. Our Sun will also be destroyed after completing its life in billions of years ahead. However, in different age of life of the Sun, the solar family and its every member behave in different manner and finally they all shall contained back into the Sun.   Introduction The Solar System is the gravitationally bounded system of the Sun and the objects within. The largest of them are the eight planets, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupi...